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Cancellation & Refund

We understand that circumstances may change. If you need to cancel your subscription, please check below for clarity.

  • Cancellation Process: You can login to the menu option and request for the cancellation. Team will get back to you for the further steps.
  • Refund Eligibility: Explains the criteria for eligible refund requests, including specific scenarios.
  • Refund Process: Refund will be issued for the remaining days of the ongoing month.
  • Non-Refundable Items: If you decide to cancel in the middle of the ongoing development, you will be only eligible for the remaining days of the ongoing month.
  • Communication: You can reachout to us by writing an email on [email protected] for any clarification or for any communication in regards to your ongoing project and for any other communication.

We believe in fairness and transparency. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re here to guide you through the process.

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